среда, 28 марта 2018 г.

Make Your Old Cookie Sheets Look Like NEW Again!

Make Your Old Cookie Sheets Look Like NEW Again!
Miracle Cleaner

Yesterday was a pretty low key day with regards to blogging and anything blogging related. Sometimes you just need a “mental health day”….ya know? But even though “blogging” was the furthest thing from my mind…while I was washing up some dishes in the morning, I came across one of my “much loved” cookie sheets that was looking pretty sad.

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Miracle Cleaner

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Miracle Cleaner

For some reason I was in the mood to experiment….so I did. I decided to pull out my favorite cleaning combination…Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide…and let it works its magic. But…this time I took a slightly different approach.

Miracle Cleaner 8

Normally when cleaning with this dynamic duo, I make a paste of the two and just start scrubbing. Today I decided to add an extra ingredient. Time. I didn’t feel like actually doing much scrubbing….but I had TIME to see what my “Miracle Cleaner” could accomplish if left to its own devices for awhile.

I am happy to report: “miracle cleaner” + TIME = RESULTS!

I started out with a medium-sized circle on the badly stained backside of this jelly roll pan that I have had for a million years. I wanted to try a “test patch,” if you will, just to see if it was worth trying out on the whole pan. You better believe it was!

After sprinkling the spot with baking soda; spraying with hydrogen peroxide; then another layer of baking soda… I left it sitting there like that while we went to breakfast. When we got home I rubbed a little of the cleaner off and was actually quite astonished to see MOST of the gunk came right off! Minimal rubbing with my fingers (you could use a scrubbie too) was required.

This, of course, meant I HAD to try it on the rest of the pan. But hey….if all it involved was sprinkling on some baking soda, adding some hydrogen peroxide, and sprinkling on a little MORE baking soda….and waiting….I could do that. Besides, since we had plans to go out to dinner, it would have plenty of time to “work.”

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And WORK, it did! About 2 hours later I checked on the experiment…(I couldn’t wait any longer!) I wiped/rubbed away one corner of the cleaning concoction…and felt almost giddy with excitement! (There is obviously something SERIOUSLY wrong with me! lol) Just look at how all the grime and gunk is absorbed by the miracle cleaner! Cool huh?

I then proceeded to wipe/rub off the rest, and well….the pictures speak for themselves.

Remember folks….there was no heavy scrubbing involved! The dynamic duo did all the “work”….while all *I* had to do was TRY to be patient! A fairly daunting task for YOURS TRULY. But when faced with a choice between BEING PATIENT and SCRUBBING….I’ll take the former. :-)

Can’t wait to get to work on the OTHER side and the edges. I’m thinking a good, long shopping trip should suffice in keeping me away from it while it does its’ work! Hey….a girl does what a girl’s gotta do! :-)

Original article and pictures take www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com site

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