This post is going to show you how to organize your bedroom so you can enjoy a clutter free sleeping space.
I must admit that my bedroom is really a place I sleep in. I shower (thank you master bathroom), get ready — and then I leave and rarely return until it’s time to go to bed. But, knowing it’s clean and organized helps making my #1 bedroom activity (don’t go smutty here) SO much easier. SLEEP.

Here are 5 tips to keep that bedroom organized. Be sure to sign up for my 5 Organized Words challenge to get your house on track!
This is part of my organized home page — be sure to check out tips for all the areas of your home!organized home page — be sure to check out tips for all the areas of your home!
**BTW, all these photos are my actual room with very little tidying up (I did throw a bra hanger out of the closet). This is how I live my life daily. I don’t want you to think I wear an organizational halo — but I do some really doable tips to keeping your room clutter-free.
Put most used items handy
For me, this means putting the clothes I am wearing most frequently at the front of my closet. That means I am also likely to put them away since it’s all so handy. In the summer I put those clothes at the back and bring forward my sweaters. It’s certainly worth the amount of time that takes (plus it gives me a reason to send a few things I don’t love to Goodwill).

T-shirt filing
Oh man, what a life changer. My drawers used to be so messy from me pulling out the shirt at the bottom. PLUS I have a weird need to wear ALL of my shirts, not just the few ones that are at the top. T-shirt filing has changed all of that.

Slow down on shoes
This might come as a shock, but I could buy shoes all day, all night and just enjoy that my shoe size rarely changes, a direct dichotomy of my hip size. But, I’ve just stopped. I really don’t NEED more shoes. I don’t care how happy they make me. My shoe area is full. End of story. If I want another one, I need to throw one out {but I love them all}. #sophieschoice

Less Pillows
Why is it that ALL the pictures of beds in catalogues have about 15 billion pillows on it? The problem is you have to throw those off in order to sleep, and then put them back on. I’m limiting myself to 4 pillows that we don’t directly use to sleep. I have no idea how people keep up with ALL the pillows — am I right? It’s a conspiracy from pillow manufacturers.

Hide your TV
Iknow a lot of couples that strictly don’t allow a TV in their room, but we are not one of those people. I often like to fold laundry while I watch TV or if I’m sick I LOVE to binge watch on Netflix (btw– we have a tiny roku hooked up to ours that allows me all my binging). BUT I also don’t love the look of a TV in our room, so we found an armoir that fits it at Ikea. It also fits my scrubs and my sweaters and purses. Just super handy, that’s all.
See how pretty it is closed:

And less pretty open:

Let me just show you this bonus photo for my new organized home course. Sign up for my newsletter be one of the first to know about it!

Aren’t necklaces delicious? I love them almost as much as I love shoes….
So, those are my 5 tips for organizing your bedroom. Now it’s up to you. hit that comment button below and tell me YOUR favorite organizing tip in your bedroom. Do it!
And don’t miss signing up for my 5 words to organized challenge, all of my other organizing posts are below that!

Original article and pictures take site
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