среда, 28 марта 2018 г.

Homemade Lavender Sugar Scrub

Homemade Lavender Sugar Scrub
This lavender sugar scrub looks amazing! Great idea for a homemade gift for the holidays!

We are experiencing our first snowfall in Minnesota today. I kinda love the first snow, and I really love a white Christmas, but come Januray, I’m ready for summer. #notgonnahappeninthisstate With the colder weather comes my battle with dry skin, so I thought I’d share this homemade lavender sugar scrub I made last year to help support and nourish my hands (and feet too ).

Here’s What You’ll Need:

This lavender sugar scrub looks amazing! Great idea for a homemade gift for the holidays!

The olive and coconut oils help to hydrate the skin, sugar helps to exfoliate, and lavender essential oil is great for skin support.


Start by melting 1/3 cup coconut oil in a microwave safe bowl, stirring every 20-30 seconds. (This took about 45 seconds total, but depending on your microwave, it may take more or less time.) Remember to be careful as the oil and bowl will become hot.

This lavender sugar scrub looks amazing! Great idea for a homemade gift for the holidays!

Once the coconut oil has completely melted, add 1 cup sugar and 2-3 Tablespoons of olive oil. Stir until combined.

This lavender sugar scrub looks amazing! Great idea for a homemade gift for the holidays!

Then add in 15 drops of lavender essential oil, and again, stir to combine. (If you like a stronger lavender scent, you can certainly add a few more drops.)

This lavender sugar scrub looks amazing! Great idea for a homemade gift for the holidays!

If you find the mixture too runny, add a little more sugar. If it’s too course, add a bit more olive oil.

Apply a small scoop (approximately 1 Tablespoon) to dry hands and/or feet, and rub it in (like you’re applying soap). Continue to massage for a minute or two. (You can even wrap a warm, damp towel around your hands and/or feet for extra pampering; allowing the scrub to sit on the skin for awhile). Rinse off with warm water and dry hands and/or feet. They should feel silky and smooth.

Pour the remaining sugar scrub into an airtight glass container, and seal for storage. Add a little wooden scoop if you’d like

Please Note: When working with essential oils, it is always recommended to store in a glass container vs. plastic. Some essential oils will actually break down plastic, and no one wants plastic seeping into their sugar scrub

This lavender sugar scrub looks amazing! Great idea for a homemade gift for the holidays!

Please Note: Coconut oil will become solid at room temperature, so if applying after a time of storage, simply warm in the microwave for 10-20 seconds. You do not need to reheat the entire scrub, just a small portion on the top. You can avoid this step by using fractionated coconut oil if you prefer, however measurements may vary. (Reminder: if you have a metal lid, remove prior to microwaving… no one wants a fire in their microwave )

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This lavender sugar scrub looks amazing! Great idea for a homemade gift for the holidays!

Original article and pictures take www.lemonslavenderandlaundry.com site

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